One Year Blog Anniversary

Hi everyone! It’s been one year since the beginning of my blog! I can’t even believe that. 17 posts later, here we are.

This year has been the craziest year of my existence to date. I’m pretty sure it might be how everyone else feels, too- not that it’s a contest. Along with Covid, quarantines, work slowing, mask mandates, protests, rioting , and a major election year, I decided to start college. Yup, you read that correctly. When my kids were going back to school in person, I was also going back to school 14 years post high school; but online only.

It’s going swimmingly *read here: barely holding it together at times, lots of coffee, late nights, four hours of sleep daily, yelling, cranky kids, cranky mom, lots of homework and essays. But this is life. As messy and crazy as it is, my hubby reminds me, “We’re living the dream, babe!”

Somewhere in all of that, I also managed to be a guest on the podcast, “You Don’t Have to Be Perfect”, with the lovely host and my new friend, Vanessa Luu. The episode is airing the beginning of November. Stay tuned for that! In the meantime, go listen to her podcast. She’s got lots of uplifting content on there.

I just wanted to say, I’m thankful for coffee, a full time job, paid vacation days (so I can have a sanity day or take my kid on a surprise trip to the doctor all in one day- yes, that happened!), empathetic friends who listen to my meltdowns, my parents, my husband (stalwart guy!) and Jesus. Through all of this, I’m reminding myself that “it” doesn’t have to be perfect, to trust in the Lord with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding (Prov. 3:5), to be kind, and my value does not come from what others think of me or what I produce- but from being a creation of God.

Friends, I hope we all have a blessed week to come! Be safe out there with the snow coming in the Midwest areas.

My study buddy, Tiger. This didn’t last long. The sunlight and kitten were too much of a distraction for me.

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